
Sunday, May 26, 2019

3D Class S3 Week 032 Vadim Gun Part 2 - Finishing the Model and Preparing for the High Res

S3 Week 032 Vadim Gun Part 2 - Finishing the Model and Preparing for the High Res

   So I'm not doing too bad on the schedule I set out to do. I've completed my model, and I've been working on holding the edges for the high res to bring into ZBrush. In Zbrush, I'll work on polishing the edges and adding alpha details for the bake. My goal for Week 2 was to at least get everything into Zbrush to have that ready to go. Alas, I'm a bit behind. But, I set those lofty goals for a reason. Heck, I gave all of Week 4 for UE4 implementation, so with that in mind I gave myself a week for catch up. Of course I don't want that, but it gives me some breathing room. In any case, this is where I'm at so far as of Sunday night, with the low poly completed -

I'll have an update tomorrow with the high res completed and ready to be pushed into ZBrush ^_^

UPDATE 05/28/19

   Whew. Okay so I've exported all SIXTEEN pieces of the gun to ZBrush for some polish and tweaked a thing here and there. I'll bounce back to Maya to make sure my low poly work fits snuggly with the high poly polish tweaks, and then once the UVs are all done, I'll be all set to go to move on over to Substance Painter for the bake and texturing.

   Fingers crossed I don't run into some major issues, but with this progress made, I'm back to a more comfortable place according to my schedule ^_^

Sunday, May 19, 2019

3D Class S3 Week 031 Vadim Gun Part 1 - Starting the Low Poly

S3 Week 031 Vadim Gun Part 1- Starting the Low Poly

   You know what they say. Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars.
   I knew when I picked this concept that it would be a lot of work. So I gave myself the challenge of completing 90% of the gun. I don't think I did too bad. Currently I think I'm about 75% there. There were a lot of smaller details as I worked my way from left to right with the concept. It's been a fun challenge though. I'm definitely working those modeling muscles 😎
  For this next week I'll be working on the remaining parts of the gun, and bringing over the pieces to ZBrush for polish and high poly baking, and then bringing it back to Maya to refine the low poly with cleanup and optimization.

   So here's what I have so far 🙂

All I'm missing is the huge claw thing in the front. It's fine. Everything is fine.

Monday, May 13, 2019

DECLARATION! First Project of Semester 3

   I really liked this gun from concept artist Vadim Sverdlov, and the piece is clean and legible enough to which I think I'll be able to interpret it in a 3D space. I was very much drawn to the silhouette and subtle hints of organic influence. This will also be a bit more of a challenge, seeing as this is my only reference image and I'll have to smart in how I interpret the different parts of the gun. Also, the texture job is a measurable step up to what I've done so far. But I'm excited for the new project and can't wait to get started!

   The schedule I am planning for this project goes like this:

  • Week 1 - Low Poly
    • 90% completion of model in Maya. This means I'll have all of the pieces of the gun at least blocked out and modeled, save for some details to the pieces.
  • Week 2 - High Poly
    • Model should be complete, and I'll have a version where the edges are held, and the model is exported to ZBrush for fine details that will translate into the bake (If I'm really on top of it, I'll have the bake ready to go for the next phase in Substance Painter.)
  • Week 3 - Texturing
    • Finalize any detailing in ZBrush, and then move over to Substance Painter for the bake and then spend the week texturing  
  • Week 4 - Export to UE4/Marmoset and Render
    • Finalize texturing work and export maps for implementation into UE4 and optimize for game engine. Will also do a render in Marmoset to practice both methods. This week will also serve as a catch up week in case I fall behind in any of the other weeks

   In addition, here is the current reference board I have to aid me in my quest of making this super cool gun -

  And there we have it! Wish me luck ^_^